Test Automation

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Test Automation

Test Automation offers a reduction in both the time and cost of test execution with greater test coverage, accuracy, and scope, particularly regression testing. Automated tests can be run out for hours every night, before each test cycle or just before the implementation of a fix, patch, or security update. Automation can even help in blending testing with DevOps by integrating and automating execution for each build so that you can rapidly and confidently deploy applications.

Advantages of Test Design Automation

Our Test Automation Services

  • We have extensive Test Automation knowledge and experience as a specialist testing consultancy. We use a range of test automation tools, both Open Source, and proprietary. We’ve successfully implemented or reviewed Test Automation for companies of all sizes, especially for blue-chip multi-nationals.
  • We can establish Test Automation practices by assessing current methods and suggesting corrections to already existing implementations or from the start.
  • We also offer our Managed Services for a long-term approach. The approach takes requirements and automates functionality incrementally. A blended delivery model (on-site, off-site, off-shore, or a combination) can help realize your objectives within your budget.
  • We offer the development of Test Automation assets alongside development sprints. They are fed into CI servers remotely, maintaining regression packs as the code develops. This approach allows us to fully support automation solutions as applications evolve.
  • We are equally competent with traditional Test Automation projects, using tools to compile regression packs for system test levels, as well as working lower down the lifecycle on more iterative projects with a test-driven development approach.

Test Life Cycle – CI & CD

Framework-driven Automation

Frameworks confirm that common functions are established early on, for use throughout the application while building up an object repository, thereby setting standards to be used throughout the automation project.

  • We deliver framework-based Automation that is highly reusable and data-driven. This ensures a modular approach to script development, making maintenance easier.

Automated Testing Tools

  • We partner with market-leading tool vendors and retain high levels of expertise across a range of automated testing tools. These meaningful partnerships allow us to maintain a flexible approach to projects, while always recommending the ideal fit for your needs.
  • We have Automation partners for both Licensed and Open Source options, including Selenium and Behat.
  • We can help your organization derive maximum value on its investment with extensive knowledge of automation tools,

An Effective Testing Strategy

  • We have developed an effective, comprehensive Test Automation strategy backed by our service frameworks and innovative test Accelerators. It is used to supercharge our Automation Services and to enhance IT productivity, improve application quality and reduce the Total Cost of Ownership.
  • Our integrated approach brings together test data extraction and creation, test execution, validation, and reporting to effectively reduce the manual, repetitive, and labor-intensive efforts of application feature and regression testing.

Business Value

Our Automation services are designed to maximize testing services and confidently deliver the following business benefits:

  • Reduced test cycles from days to hours
  • Increased software application quality
  • Reduced time spent on regression testing
  • Elimination of manual tasks
  • Increased user confidence in the application or system
  • Reusable test processes

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