

Technological change is a key issue for law firms. They are using digital and emerging technologies to improve efficiency and profitability. They need to ensure new installations, migrations, and upgrades are thoroughly tested Similarly, smaller firms are taking advantage of newer, nimble service providers to gain advantages over competitors – and these systems need testing to check they work seamlessly with existing technology.

Mergers are a constant feature of the legal landscape and bring their challenges to IT systems. There must be seamless transitions or rollouts across the merged entity to reduce disruption.

Driven by these demands of new digital technologies, law firms are quickly realizing the benefits of rigorously testing their IT systems to breaking point.

DMS Testing

Our sector expertise includes end-to-end testing on Document Management System (DMS) migration projects. Many firms are looking to upgrade or switch their DMS. Our Consultants can support your migration at every stage, including System Testing, Performance Testing, and testing of security, access, and governance policies.

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